Great and Little Kimble-cum-Marsh neighbourhood plan public consultation is now open and will run from 8th January to 18th February 2020

All consultation documents can be found in the post or at  Consultation: Great and Little Kimble-cum-Marsh neighbourhood plan publication

You can submit your online comments here

or download comment form here

and to email:
or to post to: Planning Policy Team, Wycombe District Council, Council Offices, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 1BB


Start date: 8 January 2020
End date: 18 February 2020 (11.59pm)

Background details

The proposed plan follows a number of public consultation events including a call for sites in February 2018 and a consultation on a draft plan which took place in the summer of 2019. Please see the Parish Council website for more details.

Supporting documents

The proposed plan is supported by the following documents:













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